Sacred Handpoke Tattoo

  • Tattoo is an ancient practice that has been used for millennia to initiate, decorate, activate and heal.

    Handpoked Skin Markings are an Ancient Tribal Language used throughout many cultures & is older than any written language on Earth…

    They say tattoos began as symbolic initiation activations & light tattoos for the energetic body before they were inked into form on the physical body.

    In many Ancient civilisations Tattoos Have been applied with intention. Indigenous people from all over the Earth believe that adorning the body with markings assists in connection with Ones Higher Self & Creation Energy.

    Tattoos are used to communicate the deep fundamentals of our existence as humans. Used as portals for healing, protection, remembering & stimulating energy points within the body and so so much more…

    Both LOVE and REMEBERENCE are accessed in the creation and process of Sacred Tattooing.

    These intentional markings in the skin create a bridge for the wearer to journey deeper within.

    The Tattoo scribing ceremony is just one step of the journey along this bridge. The continued connection and activation of your Sacred Tattoo requires nurturing. This nurturing process is vital piece deepening you into personal responsibility.

    By having an understanding & a reverence of the power that this ancient art form holds, you will have the tools to use your Sacred tattoo as a way to come home to your soul’s true nature.

    To peruse some of the glistenings of remembrances people have received from In~Bodying their Sacred Tattoos, feel free to check out testimonials on our Facebook or Google Reviews Page. Both of these are available to you at the bottom of the Gallery Page.

    Through Sacred Tattooing there is an opportunity to witness energy & magic manifested into physical form. An offering to reignite the highest potential of a souls potency on their journey of life at this time. To truly dance; body, heart and soul aligned. The wearer is Gifted with their energetic light codes and the reminder of the magic that they truly are and always have been.

    The modern world brought with it many advancements in the delivery options for Sacred Tattoo. Some continue to use more original forms, ranging from bone, stone, thorns, charcoal & ash. Others have chosen to modernise their tools entirely with powered machines.

    At Sacred Ways, we opt for Handpoke delivery using single use sterile, disposable needles & 100% vegan ink. We choose to be an Eco Conscious Studio. We raise the frequency of the planet & all products used, such as needles, ink, everything applied to the skin & the studio space itself. We do this by using ancient technology that is currently aligned with advanced templates of our Earth here and now…

  • Before proceeding, there are a few things that need to be communicated clearly.

    This journey is deeply personal, possibly emotional, sometimes confronting, usually mind-blowing & always for your highest good.

    All in all, the whole experience itself is the healing.

    When the skin & energy bodies are opened, portals are created for any old or dense energies that are no longer serving your highest to release. This brings cleansing and purification.

    Energy hygiene practices are a high value here at Sacred Wayz so you are alwayz in a clean & safe sphere.

    Your experience with Sacred Wayz is much more than just a tattoo placed in the skin, it is a quantum leap in the remembrances, activations, recalibrations, healings & your evolution in returning home to yourself.

    We work with the old ways, the SACRED WAYZ

    As touched on earlier, there are many wayz in which this Sacred Art form can be delivered. At Sacred Wayz we use the Handpoke method, meaning the markings are made without the use of a powered machine, instead our artist gently pushes the needle and its’ ink into the skin manually, It is very deliberate & intentional.

    It is a gentler method than machine tattoo, and it is less traumatising for the skin. Therefore heals quicker and the process is a lot kinder to the nervous system, allowing you to remain in a relaxed, coherent & in peaceful state.

    Sacred WayZ artist, Wahkeå, is a gentle practitioner. While Handpoke is slower than machine, she is very efficient as practitioner of this craft & employs great kindness and empathy in every session.

    Ceremonial Handpoke Tattoo can be a very emotional experience, and it can bring profound healing and growth. As in life, with more growth, comes a deeper level of questioning. Often these questions can feel challenging as their answers aren’t alwayz in plain view immediately. Wahkeå & Scared Wayz Team ensure that you are supported in your integration in the following weeks by checking in with you via email & being available on messenger.

  • Ceremonies are Sacred.

    Each one is unique, they require some pillars to ensure this.

    Before you arrive the Space is cleansed, set, gridded & charged.

    Each Ceremonial day with Sacred Wayz follows a flow:

    Upon arrival you are welcomed by the essence of love.

    Beginning with a cleansing ritual & opening invocation calling in energies to combine with each other, the artist, you and the space; this co-creation gifts a beautiful dance throughout the day.

    The artist will share messages received for you whilst channeling your intuitive art. We refer to this as your transmission. Here you will receive a gift that you can always remember & reflect upon.

    Now, Your SACRED TATTOO is inscribed & activated. Your artist will ensure with full integrity & impeccable Energetic Hygiene practices that you are honoured as the Sovereign being that you are physically & energetically.

    After your sacred tattoo is complete, the closing ritual of the Ceremonial space will seal & honour the day.

    All that is yours is with you & all that is not is released.

    The whole process provides an opportunity to ground in all the knowledge you have received and allows you to continue to grow.

  • The channeled art is magical, invoking upgrades & activations in your DNA & soul genome....

    Once the scribed image is completed it is now up to you what happens from there.

    You may choose to have it inscribed via Ceremonial Handpoke Tattoo. If you would like to have this as a digital keepsake you are able to request to purchase it on the day of your Ceremony or in the online shop after your tattoo date.

    For those who feel a tattoo is not for you & you would like to have a Your Soul Codex as a digital keepsake, for print, art display, a logo, decal or to give as a special gift. Then receiving digitally is an option.

    The option for a digital only transcript is available through our online shop.