Meet Wahkeå

Medicine Woman, Intuitive Artist, Mentor and Guide of Soul Code Activations. A divine instrument on a clear mission. A multifaceted, forever evolving being who weaves purity, truth, alchemy & blessings.  In service to my Highest Self,  Earth & the collective consciousness of humanity.

I inherited the gifts to clearly see streams of ENERGY & the CODES within these streams.

I was birthed into this world via a very Psychedelic right of passage, you could say I was born in through a cosmic rabbit hole.

As a child I saw the world through the lens of codes, symbols, light markings, energy & nature spirits.

As a woman I submerged in decades of excruciating Soul Searching, finding myself on the edge of drowning between both worlds more than 2 handfuls of times.

I have mastered the Art of Alchemising pain into Extraordinary Expansion.

Journeying through the deep, often dark depths of life & self I opened to be a Clear Conduit on my Souls’ Purpose

Through the experiences of this, I am able to articulate in a way that is beyond words, the language of All Souls. Offering an experience where you can receive your souls’  coding in way that is ancient, sacred & uniquely yours.

Being highly attuned with my gifts of claircognizance (Gift of knowing), clairsentience (gift of feeling), clairaudience (gift of hearing) & clairvoyance (gift of seeing) -

I have followed my own Sacred WayZ of expression by adorning my own body since the age of 15 with expressions of my soul ~ conscious tattoos

Every piece representing a glimpse of my life that existed within a bandwidth of time where I walked an array of landscapes, before the extinction of our oldest predecessors on this planet

While I continued my journey following my Sacred YES’s & NO’s, I remembered my love and passion for this ancient art form, which has been activated in me through many lifetimes. Over the years I have again mastered the technique to share with those who feel called.

I am a scribe of an ancient lineage of masters, that dates back, before time ever existed yet with this evolutionary artform - time never ceases to exist - the markings represent your soul’s expression

As a clear conduit, gate keeper, guardian & messenger I stand as honourable translator and scribe to initiate your journey via…

  • Personalised Activation Transmissions

  • Soul Code Markings (Handpoke Tattoo)

  • Soul Code Marking Activation Mentor (Nurture Chamber)

  • DNA activations

  • Re-calibrations  - physical & DNA

  • Home Keys

  • Remembrance Gateways

May the reveal of your soul encryption be a conscious contribution to the butterfly effect that permeates into the lineage of all of our communities & tribes within all timelines of existence.

May this reveal & integrate the wisdom of our ancestors… Reconnecting all into self, everything & all that is… Activating & re-calibrating the DNA of ourselves & life… Continuing to embody our SOUL CODES..

True and Eternal empowerment…