Crystal Wand Creations

  • A personal Crystal Wand intuitively hand crafted with tender love and intention.

    Cleansed and Blessed in readiness to connect with their master.

    These wands all have an essence that is their own. One that the owner will connect with deeply. Their uses are limitless, allow your imagination to have fun with this...

    They all have a Selenite Handle (angelic cleansing) & another bespoke crystal as a centerpiece. The feathers vary & the cord is natural fiber.

    Once purchased, they are delivered to you with a wooden stand and a card sharing the name of the wand, the items it is constructed from & its unique features.

    You also have the option to purchase a Smudge Kit ~ includes Shell, Palo Santo & Herb bundle.

    VIEW MORE WANDS ~ Instagram or Facebook @sacredwayz

  • There are limitless uses for these incredible wands. Think of your home, or any other space you are in. Each day can become more intentional when incorporating a personal Crystal Wand into the every day tasks.

    Some ways we have seen them used are

    • Cleansing

    • As a beautiful decorative piece

    • To protect a space

    • To Align a space

    • To Grid a space or your home

    • Use in ceremony

    • Give as a unique gift

    • Display as a significant altar piece

    • To watch over you & your temple space

  • Crystal Wands are available for purchase online

    You may choose the colours or receive what is intuitively guided for you

    Can be picked up or posted

    Please contact us to discuss more about a personalised Crystal Wand Creation.

    VIEW MORE WANDS ~ Instagram or Facebook @sacredwayz