IMAGINE we are trees, opening our crowns to the Universe with roots deep into Mother Earth.
Trees grow by sending roots into Mother Earth at the same time rising upwards, opening to the sky to seek nourishment from the sun and rain.
Envision ourselves as treelike beings, our roots grounded within the earth, joining with energetic strands connecting us all.
At the same time, our crowns open, seeking nourishment from the Universe, connecting with the Divine.
Just like a tree, we seek sunshine and water to survive and thrive. Just like a tree, we are conduits for the entwining of complementary elements: air, water, sun, and earth.
This as a nourishing practice re-centres the brain & calms the nervous system.
*This is a meditation invitation ~ We would love to hear about your experience & how you feel after this practice….
Love & Blessings Dear One xx